Kristen Jaymes Stewart
(lahir 9 April 1990; umur 23 tahun)[1] merupakan seorang aktris berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat yang terkenal setelah memerankan Bella Swan dalam film The Twilight Saga. Film-film yang pernah dibintanginya antara lain Panic Room, Catch That Kid, Speak, Zathura, The Messengers dan Into the Wild.
Kehidupan awal
Stewart lahir dan dibesarkan di Los Angeles, California.[2][3][4] Ayahnya, John Stewart, adalah seorang manajer panggung dan produser televisi yang pernah bekerja untuk Fox.[5] Ibunya, Jules Mann-Stewart adalah seorang penyelia skrip yang berasal dari Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia, yang juga pernah menyutradarai sebuah film.[4][6][7][8] Ia mempunyai seorang kakak laki-laki, Cameron B. Stewart, dan seorang saudara angkat, Taylor.[9][10] Ia duduk di bangku sekolah sampai kelas tujuh dan meneruskannya lewat pendidikan jarak jauh[4] sampai lulus sekolah menengah atas.[11]
Robert Pattinson
Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson (lahir di London, Inggris, 13 Mei 1986; umur 27 tahun) adalah pemeran, model dan musisi Inggris, terkenal dalam perannya sebagai Cedric Diggory dalam film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Ia bermain sebagai Edward Cullen dalam film adaptasi dari Twilight, sebuah novel karya Stephenie Meyer.
Ia merasa titik balik keseriusannya berakting dimulai ketika ia
mendapat pengakuan sebagai Bast Actor di Stasbourg Internasional Film
Festival, suatu ajang pernghargaan bergengsi tingkat internasional,
melalui filem How To Be tahun 2008, Produksi Inggris. Ia juga menyanyi dan menggubah 2 buah lagu soundtrack Twilight, yaitu Never Think dan Let Me Sign. Sekarang pernah menjalin hubungan dengan Kristen Stewart,
lawan mainnya di Twilight. Aktor ini memiliki tinggi badan 185 cm,
menyukai spaghetti serta musik rap dan blues. Ia juga penyuka warna
Vanity Fair
Rawdy Crawley
Only seen on DVD release
Ring of the Nibelungs
Television film
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Cedric Diggory
The Haunted Airman
Toby Jugg
Television film
The Bad Mother's Handbook
Daniel Gale
Television film
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Cedric Diggory
How To Be
Strasbourg Film Festival Award for Best Actor[1]
Edward Cullen
Hollywood Film Award for New Hollywood
MTV Movie Award for Breakthrough Performance Male
MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss (with Kristen Stewart)
MTV Movie Award for Best Fight (with Cam Gigandet)
People's Choice Award for Favourite On-Screen-Team (Shared with: Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart)
Scream Award for Best Fantasy Actor
Teen Choice Award for Choice Hottie
Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actor Drama
Teen Choice Award for Movie Liplock (with Kristen Stewart)
Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Rumble (with Cam Gigandet)
Nominated - Empire Award for Best Newcomer[2]
Nominated - People's Choice Award for Favourite Movie Actor
Nominated - Scream Award for Best Ensemble Cast 2009 Little Ashes Salvador Dalí The Twilight Saga: New Moon Edward Cullen Russia's Georges Award for Best Foreign Actor
Nominated - Empire Award for Best Actor[3]
Nominated - Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Cutest Couple (Shared with Kristen Stewart)
Nominated - Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple (Shared with Kristen Stewart) 2010 Remember Me Tyler Hawkins Executive producer The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Edward Cullen post-production 2011 Bel Ami Georges Duroy filming Water For Elephants Jacob Jankowski pre-production The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn' Edward Cullen
MTV Movie Award for Breakthrough Performance Male
MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss (with Kristen Stewart)
MTV Movie Award for Best Fight (with Cam Gigandet)
People's Choice Award for Favourite On-Screen-Team (Shared with: Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart)
Scream Award for Best Fantasy Actor
Teen Choice Award for Choice Hottie
Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actor Drama
Teen Choice Award for Movie Liplock (with Kristen Stewart)
Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Rumble (with Cam Gigandet)
Nominated - Empire Award for Best Newcomer[2]
Nominated - People's Choice Award for Favourite Movie Actor
Nominated - Scream Award for Best Ensemble Cast 2009 Little Ashes Salvador Dalí The Twilight Saga: New Moon Edward Cullen Russia's Georges Award for Best Foreign Actor
Nominated - Empire Award for Best Actor[3]
Nominated - Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Cutest Couple (Shared with Kristen Stewart)
Nominated - Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple (Shared with Kristen Stewart) 2010 Remember Me Tyler Hawkins Executive producer The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Edward Cullen post-production 2011 Bel Ami Georges Duroy filming Water For Elephants Jacob Jankowski pre-production The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn' Edward Cullen
Taylor Daniel Lautner (lahir di Michigan, Amerika Serikat, 11 Februari 1992; umur 21 tahun) adalah aktor asal Amerika Serikat. Ia berperan dalam beberapa film yaitu The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D, Cheaper by the Dozen 2 dan Twilight. Dalam film Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ia berperan sebagai Elliott Murtaugh.
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